"I have dreamed a lot and intensely"

In my younger years, I already dreamed intensely. At times, I was afraid of my dreams and therefore also afraid of going to sleep. It took me a long time to learn that I don't have to experience dreams only as fear but also as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Noah Soticek

You're probably wondering who the guy in the picture above is and why he's standing in this snowy landscape when dreavie is about dreams. One point for you: The snowy landscape has nothing to do with dreavie. But the guy above, that's me.

My name is Noah, and I've made it my goal not to just let dreams be dreams but to live them. Already as a little boy at the age of 6-7, I had very intense dreams, some of which I can still remember to this day and could reproduce one to one. Often, I had dreams that felt like they repeated exactly, which only made me more scared.

I didn't understand what these dreams meant, or even that they could carry meanings and information from the subconscious. I was far from that view back then, but that was not surprising because what boy at that age is interested in such things?

As I progressed in my life, I increasingly thought about how dreams are formed and why this happens at all. There must be a reason why dreams occur during sleep.

When some tragic things happened in my life and I could directly relate them to my past dreams, I knew that these could no longer be coincidences. Our brains process so much information daily that it is impossible to always sort and understand it correctly in time. A significant part of processing things that concern us happens during our sleep phase.

Since we can only control our dreams and generally things that happen to our bodies during the sleep phase very difficultly, this gives us the opportunity to reveal our actual wishes, fears, and needs, which we suppress during the day so much that we don't even notice ourselves, mostly in our dreams.

With this knowledge, I set out a long time ago to set up an AI that can understand such dreams in relation to an individual life path and can reveal valuable insights and perspectives on them. Now, years later, I continue to work on my idea with volunteers and external service providers. You see part of it in front of you - namely dreavie!

I hope dreavie brings you as much as it does me and that it helps you better organize your feelings and your life.

Have fun with dreavie, Noah