Objavio/la Noah Soticek | 6 prije mjeseci

Why don't I dream?

While some of us often have vivid dreams, there are others who wonder, "Why don't I dream?" This question can cause worry, as it might make one question if there is something wrong with themselves or if it is normal not to dream.


What are dreams and why do we have them?

Dreams are not just simple mental images, thoughts, and emotions that can occur during sleep. They are more like a window into our subconscious. These nightly journeys can offer a wide range of experiences, from vivid and inspiring moments to disturbing or surreal scenarios. The diversity of dream experiences reflects the complexity of our brain, which remains highly active even during sleep.

The interpretation of dreams goes far back and finds its roots already in ancient Egypt. Even back then, people were aware that dreams are not just random events. Over time, numerous theories have been developed about why we dream. A significant theory suggests that dreams serve the function of processing and consolidating experiences during wakefulness. By recapping past events and emotions during sleep, the brain helps deepen our understanding of the world and prepares us for future challenges. At the same time, dreams can also emerge from suppressed or repressed emotions, desires, and fears.

Why do some people dream less than others?

There are several factors that can influence how often and how intensely someone dreams. One possible reason why some people dream less often could be their sleep architecture. Dreams mainly occur in the so-called REM sleep phase (Rapid Eye Movement), which makes up about 20-25% of the total sleep cycle. REM sleep is a phase of sleep in which eye movements are fast and irregular, while at the same time brain activity is increased. It is the phase where most dreams occur and is often associated with intense emotional experiences. During REM sleep, the body's muscles are relaxed, almost paralyzed, serving as a protective mechanism to prevent us from physically acting out our dreams. This phase of sleep is crucial for cognitive function and emotional well-being. People who spend less time in REM sleep may have fewer dreams or remember them less often.

Moreover, certain life circumstances and health conditions can influence dream experiences. Stress, sleep disorders, sleeping pills, alcohol, and certain medications can all lead to dreaming less or not remembering our dreams.

Can we promote dreaming?

For those who wish to dream more intensely or remember their dreams better, there are some strategies that can help:

By integrating these different strategies, you can strengthen your ability to dream and establish a deeper connection to your dream life.


Dreams are a fascinating and multi-layered phenomenon that offers us insight into the functioning of our brain during sleep. Although some people dream less intensely than others, the ability to dream is a universal human experience. By promoting healthy sleep hygiene and applying certain techniques, we may not only dream better but also establish a deeper connection to our subconscious. But like all other things in life, don't pressure yourself and take enough time.

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